路透社纽约健康消息 最新研究发现,空气中的臭氧水平只要轻微增长都会对儿童的健康产生不良影响,以致耽误他们的正常学习。空气污染已经成为学生因呼吸系统疾病而缺课的最重要原因。
Air Pollution Linked to School Absenteeism
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Even small increases in the levels of the air pollutant ozone may adversely impact the health of children causing them to miss school, a new report suggests.
``We are seeing ill health effects in school children at levels well below the current air quality standard for allowable levels of ozone,‘‘ Dr. Frank Gilliland of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, told Reuters Health in an interview.
Ozone is produced by a chemical reaction that occurs when sunlight hits air pollutants emitted in automobile exhaust. Breathing air with ozone can cause coughing, respiratory irritation, nausea and permanent damage to the lungs in people of all ages, but children and the elderly are especially vulnerable.
The investigators analyzed daily levels of three common air pollutants--ozone, nitrogen dioxide and fine particles--and compared them with daily absenteeism rates of 2,081 fourth graders during the first 6 months of 1996.
Gilliland‘s team also telephoned the parents‘ homes every time a child was absent from school.
During the telephone interview, the researchers determined the exact reason for the absence. If the reason was due to illness, they recorded all the information pertaining to the sickness, symptoms and outcomes from doctor or hospital visits. All of the children in the study lived within a 200-mile radius of Los Angeles.
As the levels of ozone increased in the air by as little as 20 parts per billion, the researchers saw a corresponding rise in absenteeism due to respiratory illness increase by 83%, explained Gilliland. In addition, the authors documented a corresponding increase of 173% in lower respiratory illness with wet cough.
``This indicates a potentially more serious type of illness involving the lungs, rather than just the nose or the throat,‘‘ Gilliland told Reuters Health.
``Air pollution has turned out to be surprisingly important factor contributing to absenteeism due to respiratory illness,‘‘ he added.
Similar findings for the other two pollutants--fine particles and nitrogen dioxide--were not observed, Gilliland and colleagues note in the January issue of the journal Epidemiology.
While ozone can affect anyone, people with asthma or chronic lung diseases such as bronchitis and emphysema are particularly vulnerable, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
When produced naturally in the upper atmosphere, ozone acts as protection from the sun‘s ultraviolet rays. But when man-made ozone lingers closer to earth, it is a pollutant that becomes harmful.
The US Environmental Protection Agency recommends car pooling, using mass transit, walking or biking to avoid contributing to ozone levels.
US cities where ozone levels are highest include Los Angeles, Atlanta, Phoenix and Houston.