山东医药 2000年第11期第40卷 论著
作者:黄世明 李青 王振声 吴隆超
关键词:膀胱癌 血管形成 免疫组织化学
摘要 采用免疫组化法检测了30例膀胱癌患者癌组织中微血管密度(MVD)的表达情况。结果显示,浸润性膀胱癌组织中的MVD表达明显高于非浸润性膀胱癌(P<0.01),有淋巴结转移者膀胱癌组织中MVD的表达明显高于无淋巴结转移者(P<0.01)。认为MVD与膀胱癌的浸润性、淋巴转移呈正相关,可作为判断膀胱移行细胞癌生物学行为的标记物。
abstract The expression of microvessel density(MVD) were counted for 30 tumor specimens from transitional cell bladder cancer by immunohistochemical method.Results showed the invasive bladder carcinoma had a higher expression of MVD compared to the superficial bladder cancer(P<0.01),the MVD expression in lymphnode metastasis tumors were also higher than that in no lymphnode matastasis tumors(P<0.01).It suggests that the expression of MVD in transitional cell bladder carcinoma is correlated with the invasive ability of the tumors,MVD can be used as a effective marker for the beheavior of bladder carcinoma.
Key words Bladder neoplasms Angiogenesis Immunohistochemistry
1 资料与方法
2 结果(见表1)
表1 30例患者膀胱癌组织标本的MVD(
非浸润性 |
浸润性 |
非淋巴转移 |
淋巴转移 |
(n=12) |
(n=18) |
(n=22) |
(n=8) |
MVD(个/Hp) |
±30.6* |
±33.5 |
±34.5△ |
±42.7 |
注:与浸润性者比较,*P<0.01;与淋巴转移者比较,△ P<0.01 由表1可见,MVD在浸润性膀胱癌中的表达明显高于非浸润性膀胱癌,有淋巴结转移者MVD表达明显高于无淋巴结转移者。说明MVD与膀胱癌的浸润性、淋巴转移呈正相关。
3 讨论
4 参考文献
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