黑龙江医药科学 1999年第2期第22卷 调查与实验研究
作者:刘小红 刘淑艳 林瑞鹤
单位:刘小红 刘淑艳:佳木斯市第二人民医院;林瑞鹤:汤原县中医院放射线科
提要 目的和方法:采用放免分析方法测定26例支气管哮喘患者急性发作时及发作缓解后血液中神经肽A(NKA)含量,并与健康人进行对比。结果:哮喘发作时患者血中NKA含量明显高于对照组,缓解后与对照组无显著性差异。结论:NKA参与哮喘发作的病理生理过程,可能是哮喘发作的因素之一。
Alteration in neurokinin A in the circulating blood
in bronchial asthmatic patients
Liu Xiaohong, et al
Abstract Aim and Method: The concentration of neuokinin A(NKA) in the circulating blood in 26 bronchial asthma patients was measured using radioimmunoassay. Results: In asthma, the NKA level in the blood of the bronchial asthma patients was much higher than that of the normal controls (P<0.005). The next morning after the asthma ceased, there was no clear alteration in the NKA level in the blood of the patients compared with the control (P>0.05). Conclusion: The NKA may play an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma. It may provide at heoretical basis for the treatmant of asthma with NKA antagonist or inhibitor of NKA receptor.
Key words aathma; blood; neurokinin A
神经肽A(nearokinin A, NKA)即K物质(substance K)。广泛分布于中枢及外周神经系统,并可释放入血液及组织中[1]。资料表明,NKA具有明显收缩支气管平滑肌的作用,喷雾至支气管哮喘患者呼吸道后能增加呼吸道阻力,加重病人呼吸困难[2,3]。另外哮喘状态的豚鼠循环血中NKA明显增高,均提示NKA可能与哮喘发病有关[1]。我们检测了26例急性支气管哮喘患者发作时血中NKA含量,旨在探讨NKA在哮喘发病中的意义。
1 材料及方法
急性支气管哮喘患者26例,其中男15例,女11例,年龄(22±4.7)岁,分别于哮喘发作时和发作终止后次日晨起采肘静脉血。另晨起采取22例健康同龄人肘静脉血。血液收集于置于冰块上的含0.1% EDTA,抑肽酶1mg/ml·d的试管内,4℃,500×g离心20min,上清液加倍量0.1%二氟醋酸(TFA)混匀,4℃ 7400×g离心20min,上清液经Sep-pak C18提取,用3m 160%甲基氰(含0.1% TFA)洗脱,-70℃备用。采用放免分析测试盒(Peninsula Lab, Cat no RIK 7357),每个试管内加100u测时样品、100ul兔抗NKA血清、100ul 125I tyr° -NKA,混匀后4℃孵育2h,2300×g;离心20min,除去上清液后由YST-76型自动液体闪烁计数器测定。所得数据以±s表示,采用t检验,进行统计学处理。
2 结果
附表 哮喘发作时患者血中NKA含量的变化(±s)
例数 |
NKA(pg/ml) |
正常对照 |
22 |
56.25±25.47 |
哮喘发作 |
26 |
79.4±21.34* |
哮喘终止 |
26 |
59.62±33.58 |
*P<0.005 vs对照组
3 讨论
2.Saria A coexisting peptides in capsaicinsenstive sensory neurons:release and action in the respiratory of the guinea-pig. Acta physiol hung 1987;69(3~4):421
3.Karisson JA. Purine and sensory neuropeptides in human asthma. Bull eur physiopathol Respir 1987;23:95
4.Regers DF. Effect of tachykinins on mucus secretion in human bronchi in vitro. Eur J Pharmacol 1989;174(2~3):283
5.Barnes PJ. ASthma as an axon reflex. The Lancet 1986;1:242