北京医科大学学报 1999年第5期第31卷 论著
作者:高雪梅 曾祥龙 傅民魁 黄席珍 陈雷
单位:高雪梅 曾祥龙 傅民魁 北京医科大学口腔医学院,北京 100081黄席珍 北京协和医院;陈雷 人民医院CT磁共振中心
摘 要 目的:以软组织显影好的磁共振技术(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSAS)患者上气道与无鼾正常人的差异。方法:23名OSAS患者均经整夜多导睡眠监测确诊。每2或1名OSAS患者选取1名年龄、性别配比的无鼾对照者。对23名OSAS患者与12名配对对照的上气道进行MRI扫描及测量,比较鼻咽、腭咽、舌咽和喉咽的大小。结果:OSAS患者的上气道各段,在矢向径、横向径、矢向/横向径比、截面积和体积几乎各项指标上均普遍小于无鼾对照,其鼻咽尤其值得重视。结论:OSAS存在形态学病因机制。MRI在OSAS研究中是有重要价值的诊断工具,但不能替代整夜睡眠监测。
中国图书资料分类法分类号 R766.5
The magnetic resonance imaging of the upper airway
in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
GAO Xue-Mei#, ZENG Xiang-Long, FU Min-Kui, HUANG Xi-Zhen, CHEN Lei
(#Department of Orthodontics, School of Stamatology, Beijing Medical University , Beijing 100081 China)
MeSH Sleep apnea syndromes/pathol Pharynx/anat Pharynx/radionaclide Nuclear magnetic resonance
ABSTRACT Objective: We used magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) which could provide super imaging of soft tissue to investigate the difference between the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS) and the non-snorers.Methods: 23 OSAS patients were diagnosed by whole night polysomnography. Every one or two patients had one age-sex-matched control subject with no snoring at night. Both 23 OSAS patients and 12 controls took MRI scans of upper airway. Compared those images within nasopharynx, palatopharynx, glossopharynx and hypopharynx.Results: OSAS patients showed smaller airway than controls in almost every aspect, such as sagittal size, horizontal size, the ratio of sagittal size to horizontal size, cross-sectional area and volume of the upper airway. The difference in the nasopharynx was an interesting discovery.Conclusion: A structurally abnormal airway might serve as an anatomic substrate for the development of sleep apnea. MRI was a valuable diagnostic tool in the research of OSAS, though it could not be replaced of whole night polysomnography.
(J Beijing Med Univ,1999,31:450-453)
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)为夜间反复发生的上气道狭窄或阻塞,近年来日益受到研究者重视。不规则的上气道,只有通过三维手段才能正确认识其形态。自1983年Suratt[1]起,一些学者以CT(computeri-
zed tomography)为手段进行了OSAS形态学研究,迅速丰富了人们对OSAS的认识,但存在不足:(1)均是CT研究,对软组织显影较差;(2)样本量较小,测量指标也较少;(3)对照组在性别、年龄等因素上配对不严格。国内有刘月华[2]等做OSAS的X线和CT影像学分析。作为软组织显影好的核磁共振影像技术(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)研究,甚少用于OSAS上气道一般特征的研究。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
研究组23名OSAS患者均为1996~1997年的我科门诊患者。其中男性20人,女性3人。所有病人经协和医院夜间多导睡眠图确诊为符合标准的OSAS[3]。其呼吸暂停低通气指数(apnea/hypopnea index, AHI)为(45±24)次·h-1, 从5.82次·h-1至94.60次·h-1。
配对对照组来自40岁以上无OSAS症状及其相关疾病的北京医科大学人民医院磁共振中心的门诊患者,每位对照与1~2位相近年龄性别的OSAS相对应。共选取12人,其中男10人,女2人。无睡眠呼吸障碍判定标准: (1)自述或被家人证实无持续/响亮鼾声;(2)无夜间憋气或被发现夜间呼吸暂停现象;(3)无晨起头痛、恶心等症状及日间严重困倦;(4)无阻塞性肺疾病及上气道肿物或压迫气道的疾病,鼻腔通畅;(5)无影响呼吸中枢的疾病,如脑干肿瘤或梗塞等;(6)无甲状腺功能低下、垂体瘤等疾病。此组均未做夜间多导睡眠监测。
表1 OSAS研究组与配对对照组的一般情况的差异比较(
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of OSAS patients and those of the controls(
Group |
Matched controls |
n(male/female) |
10/2 |
20/3 |
Age(years) |
49.8±10.1 |
50.3±10.9 |
Height(cm) |
171.8± 6.8 |
168.2± 5.6 |
Weight(kg) |
71.3± 7.6 |
75.7± 8.7 |
BMI(kg·m-2) |
24.1± 1.9 |
26.8± 3.0** |
AHI(episodes/h-1) |
/ |
45.7±24.0 |
** P<0.01, compared with the matched controls.1.2 方法
研究组及无睡眠呼吸障碍组每一成员均扫描MRI。投照机器为北京医科大学人民医院磁共振中心的MRI,机型GYREX-2T SGR(以色列产ELSCint Ltd.)。头线圈。SE序列T1加权像,TR/TE=620-680/12.0,层厚5 mm,间隔1.5 mm。取像范围:轴位(包含自鼻咽顶端至第三颈椎水平),矢状位(下颌骨内缘范围)。距阵256×256,激励次数2次。
1.3 MRI测量项目及统计学处理
The nasopharynx was defined as the region between the roof of the airway and the hard palate. The palatopharynx lies between the hard palate and the tip of the soft palate. The glossopharynx was from the tip of the soft palate to the top of the epiglottis. The hypopharynx is between the top of the epiglottis and the base of epiglottis. All 19 images of upper airway could be divided into these four major levels.
图1 MRI鼻咽、腭咽、舌咽、喉咽的划分
Figure 1 The division of upper airway: nasopharynx,palatopharynx, glossopharynx and hypopharynx
记录和计算咽腔各段内最小截面积、最大截面积、平均截面积;平均矢状直径、平均横向直径;矢向径与横向径的比例;按层厚5 mm、间隔1.5 mm累积计算咽腔各段的体积。在计算机上利用SPSS(Window版)统计软件包进行各计量资料t检验。
2 结果
表2 OSAS与配对对照上气道MRI直径比较(
Table 2 The upper airway size (mm) of OSAS compared with the matched controls(
Sagittal size |
Horizontal size |
Matched controls |
Matched controls |
Nasopharynx |
17.8±2.4 |
14.3±2.8△△△ |
24.8±2.3 |
22.6±3.1△ |
Palatopharynx |
8.2±2.9 |
7.1±2.6 |
15.0±5.1 |
13.0±3.9 |
Glossopharynx |
11.9±1.7 |
9.3±3.2△△ |
24.6±8.7 |
17.7±5.8△△ |
Hypopharynx |
14.8±4.7 |
11.4±2.8△ |
28.3±7.2 |
26.2±7.5 |
△P<0.05, △△P<0.01, △△△P<0.001, compared with matched controls. 研究组(OSAS病人)与配对对照组上气道矢向/横向径比的比较见表3。
表3 OSAS与配对对照上气道矢状/横向径比(
Table 3 The ratio of sagittal size to horizontal size of upper airway in OSAS compared with the matched controls(
Group |
Max |
Min |
Mean |
Control |
Control |
Control |
Nasopharynx |
0.84±0.15 |
0.73±0.15△ |
0.61±0.10 |
0.55±0.18 |
0.72±0.10 |
0.64±0.13 |
Palatopharynx |
0.80±0.27 |
0.87±0.34 |
0.35±0.20 |
0.36±0.26 |
0.57±0.21 |
0.59±0.27 |
Glossopharynx |
0.64±0.22 |
0.89±0.91 |
0.43±0.18 |
0.46±0.32 |
0.53±0.18 |
0.63±0.52 |
Hypopharynx |
0.68±0.19 |
0.64±0.26 |
0.43±0.11 |
0.33±0.19 |
0.53±0.13 |
0.47±0.19 |
△P<0.05, compared with the matched controls. 研究组(OSAS病人)与配对对照组上气道截面积的比较见表4、图2。
表4 OSAS与配对对照上气道MRI截面积比较(
Table 4 The section area(mm2) of upper airway in OSAS compared with the matched controls(
Group |
Mean |
Min |
Control |
Control |
Nasopharynx |
363±52 |
269±75△△△ |
315±63 |
232±84△△ |
Palatopharynx |
121±72 |
85±38 |
56±24 |
29±14△△ |
Glossopharynx |
194±71 |
115±46△△△ |
152±79 |
75±38△△ |
Hypopharynx |
244±107 |
176±67△ |
191±119 |
114±72 |
△P<0.05, △△P<0.01, △△△P<0.001, compared with matched controls.

Upper, a male OSAS patients; bottom, a matched control1
图2 OSAS患者与配对对照的上气道比较
Figure 2 The narrow upper airway of OSAS compared with that of the matched control
表5 OSAS与配对对照上气道及周围结构体积比较(
Table 5 The volume of upper airway and surrounding tissues in OSAS compared with the matched controls(
Group |
Control |
nasopharynx |
5 321±1 525 |
3 589±1 336△△ |
Palatopharynx |
4 018±3 526 |
2 560±1 281 |
Glossopharynx |
4 982±2 917 |
3 167±1 525△ |
hypopharynx |
4 868±1 499 |
3 706±1 793 |
Oropharynx |
9 000±6 241 |
5 727±2 160 |
Whole pharynx |
19 189±6 241 |
13 022±4 277△△ |
Soft palate |
6 794±2 208 |
7 556±2 079 |
Tongue |
87 455±11 891 |
99 390±16 053△ |
△P<0.05, △△P<0.01, compared with matched controls.
3 讨论
3.1 MRI是上气道形态研究极有价值的手段
3.2 OSAS的形态特点
总体上OSAS在上气道各个区段均表现出狭窄,40%的指标与配对对照有显著差异,如果增加样板量,可能有更多有统计学意义的显著性表现。这与其他学者通过声音反射技术、CT以及X线研究的相关研究结论一致[1,5-7]。这说明上气道形态在OSAS的发病中占有一席之地。 本研究涉及上气道的阻塞部位。OSAS上气道存在一个或几个阻塞部位,通常发生在最小截面积处,这一点已通过夜间X线透视得到证实[1]。所以长期以来最小截面积一直被许多学者作为研究阻塞的指标[1,5]。在本研究中,腭咽最小截面积于OSAS组和对照组中差异没有统计学意义,提示腭咽最狭窄点的大小不是OSAS的特征指标;而舌咽的最小截面积在两组间有显著性差异,则提示孰能扩大舌咽,孰能获得治疗OSAS较高的成功率。腭咽成形术的有效率大约只有50%,可能与该手术只针对腭咽有关。口腔矫正器能够作用到腭咽和舌咽,所以有效率可以达到80%左右。
3.3 OSAS患者上气道形态研究的意义
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