细胞与分子免疫学杂志 1999年第2期第15卷 论著
作者:傅庆国 刘军 郭仁宣 马萍 姚振宇
摘 要:应用流式细胞仪和Western-blot检测了615系小鼠肝癌细胞系Hcaf细胞膜上HSP70的表达。结果表明Hcaf细胞膜上有较高的HSP70表达且具有可诱导性,推测肿瘤细胞HSP70的高表达与其生物学行为相关。应用亲合层析技术对HSP70进行了分离,对其进一步研究和应用有重要的意义。
Detection and analysis of HSP70 expression on
the membrane of mouse tumor cells
Fu Qingguo, Liu Jun, Guo Renxuan, Yao Zhenyu
(General Surgery Department, the First Affiliated Hospital, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001)
Keywords:neoplasm heat shock protein
Abstract:Aim: To detect and analyze SHP70 expression on the membrane of Hcaf cells (615 mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells),Methods: By flow cytometric analysis, affinity chromatography, SDS-PAGE and Western-blot techniques.Results: 63.5% of Hcaf cells expressed HSP70 under physiological condition (37 ℃ ) and 75.5% of the cells stressed by heat (43 ℃ for 4 hours) (P<0.01), with the confirmation of SDS-PAGE and Western-blot, HSP70 was extracted by affinity chromatography.Conclusion: HSP70 membrane expressi on of tumor cells was inducible. The biological behavior of Hcaf cells may be related to their higher expression of HSP70, HSP70 could be obtained by affinity chromatography.
热休克蛋白(heat shock proteins,HSP)是广泛存在于生物组织细胞内的高度保守的蛋白质,在受热等应激状态下,其基因可被激活而表达〔1,2〕。近年研究发现,肿瘤细胞HSP的表达在正常状态下就比正常组织细胞明显增高,且具有可诱导性;肿瘤细胞表达HSP是一种保护性机制,可增强其对化疗、放疗及热疗的抵抗力。因此,肿瘤细胞HSP的表达与宿主的预后有一定的关联〔4〕。肿瘤细胞的HSP含有多种肿瘤抗原肽,可诱发很强的抗肿瘤免疫,用于肿瘤的免疫治疗〔5〕。因此,研究和分析肿瘤细胞HSP的表达具有一定的实际意义。
1 材料和方法
1.1 HSP70的诱导及检测 将615系小鼠的肝癌细胞Hcaf(大连医科大学病理室提供),在37℃、5%CO2,含10%FCS的RPMI-1640条件下,恒温CO2孵育箱中培养、扩增。热休克4h(43℃水浴),于恒温CO2孵育箱中37℃下置8h后,以抗HSP70抗体(1∶100,Sigma公司产品购自武汉博士德公司)作为一抗,荧光素标记的抗小鼠IgG为二抗(1∶100,购自北京中山公司),用流式细胞仪FAC-SCAN(美国Bection Dickinson公司)测定Hcaf细胞膜上HSP70的表达。同时设置空白对照及阴性对照。
1.2 HSP70的分离及提取 将Hcaf细胞在裂解液中用超声粉碎机裂解,以100000g离心1h,取上清过ConA-Sepharose(瑞典Pharmacia公司产品)亲合层析柱(柱高10cm,直径1.5cm,装ConA-Sepharose5ml),收集洗脱液,透析、浓缩后,再用快速液相蛋白系统(FPLC System瑞典Pharmacia公司产品)MonoQ柱(HR10/5瑞典Pharmacia公司产品,柱高10cm,直径0.5cm)分离,(20~500)mmol/LNaCl洗脱。收集各洗脱峰的蛋白,透析浓缩后进行SDS-PAGE(电泳仪PAC-300为美国BIO-RAD公司产品),银染。标准分子量为Low Protein Standard(美国BIO-RAD公司产品)。
1.3 Western-blot检测 将含相对分质量(Mr)为70000的蛋白样品进行SDS-PAGE后,用电转移法转移至硝酸纤维素膜上,以抗HSP70抗体为一抗,碱性磷酸酶标记的抗小鼠IgG(1∶100,北京中山公司产品)为二抗,进行Western-blot免疫检测(BYY-III型电泳槽,为北京六一仪器厂产品),显色按文献〔6〕的方法进行。结果以x2检验分析。
2 结果
2.1 HSP70在Hcaf细胞膜的表达 在37℃下培养的Hcaf细胞膜上表达HSP70的阳性率为63.5%;于43℃热休克4h后,表达的阳性率为75.5%,荧光强度增加约10个均道数,经统计学分析,差异非常显著(P<0.01),表明Hcaf细胞数增加(表1,图A~F)。
表1 Hcaf细胞膜上HSP70的表达(共计数10000个细胞)
Tabl HSP70 expression on the membrane of Hcaf cells
Group |
Positive rate(%) |
Mean fluorescent intensity |
A(plain) |
5.18 |
7.53 |
B(negative) |
5.67 |
8.19 |
C(37℃) |
63.47 |
39.90 |
D(43℃) |
75.51 |
49.91* |
*P <0.01, vs Group B
2.2 HSP70的分离、提取及检测 经ConA-Sepha-rose亲合层析后,再用FPLC系统进行分离,梯度盐洗脱,收集各洗脱峰的蛋白。电泳后于E峰发现Mr为70000的蛋白,此蛋白被洗脱的盐浓度为(250~350)mmol/L(图1)。再进行Western-blot后,证实此蛋白即为HSP70(图2)(图3,见第Ⅴ页)。

图1 HSP70的MonoQ离子交换层析色谱图(E峰为HSP70)
Fig1 Mono Q chromatography(E) of HSP70

图2 HSP70的SDS-PAGE(银染)及免疫印迹杂交分析
Fig2 SDS-PAGE(silver staining)and Western blot of HSP70
M:Marker(Mr× 1000);A:HSP 70; B:Western blot analysis of HSP70

A:FL intensity of blank control group(group A)

B:FL intensity of negative control group(group B). The cells were in-cubated
with FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse mAb, without anti-HSP70 mAb.

C: FL intensity of group C. The cells were cultured under 37 degree centigrade, stained with anti-HSP70 mAb, labeled with FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse mAb.

D: FL intensity of group D. The cells were stressed under
43 degree centigrade for 4 hours, stained and labeled as group B.

E: Positive rate of HSP70 expression on the membrane of
Hcaf cells of group C contrasted with group B.

F: Positive rate of HSP70 expression on the membrane of
Hcaf cells of group D contrasted with group B.
图3 A~D组的荧光强度及C,D组Hcaf细胞膜上HSP70的表达阳性率
Fig3 Fluorescent intensities of groups A,B,C and D, and positive rates of HSP70 expression on the membrane of Hcaf cells of groups C and D
3 讨论
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